Kamis, 03 November 2011

How to Play Guitar

                    Every person has the potential and the different artistic talent, talent itself can be developed to produce a work that good. I see from the side of the arts, especially in the art of playing guitar. Playing guitar should be balanced between right finger and left finger to produce a pleasant sound and harmony that result will sound even more beautiful.

Right index finger is usually stronger than the pressure of the left fingers, left finger pressure but has less flexibility. If we get used to play guitar fingers left over time we have the same pressure with the right.

Before playing the guitar, I usually like to listen to the song first. In one day I took the time to practice for 2 hours and I do it routinely. If we want good at playing musical instruments, then we must often practice as the proverb says "ne could be due to normal." To create a good work takes time and experience to develop it. Never get discouraged and keep practicing, if we believe in ourselves and have the willpower to be able to do something we will definitely succeed.

Good luck!

Basic Level (Early Stage)

 In general, to understand and play the guitar we need to prepare several things, including:

Basic music theory in general, such as guitar cords and musical scales, scales, either # or b (mol). Learn the easy guitar chords, eg C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, to the stage to memorize the chords, we need guns perdulikan musical scales;

*  Knowing how to use the guitar and its usefulness. After memorizing chords earlier, try to learn to play mix-perbaduan of chords, that is, learning to play guitar by moving from one chord to the next chord, eg C Em FG, and so on
       *  Studying stem own guitar
Stem guitar easy to do, for how menstem guitar on guitar tutorials Menstem a practical way.

 Intermediate (Phase Medium)

 If you just want to look great in the eyes of people around, pretty good at points 1 + part or all of the techniques and basic kord2 or a more complex again.
For example:

Simple  chords C, D, E, F, G, A, B and minor: # and b;
fingers left and right finger movements, here means we learn to put our fingers to fit when we play the chords on the move;
Learn the basic patterns and scales on the guitar from the basic tone of the C = 0 and B both minor and major as well as an increase decrease of the fundamental tone.

Advanced Level
Divided into 2 and inter-related, none of which precede each other for precedence:* Learning Theory, include:
Learn how to read music or not a standard (if possible) and shall not guitar (tablature) 

Deepening Techniques
This is most visible in the least wrong maen we learn the guitar including the application of the above theories such as:Application of special techniques and theories, such as: Picking with a variety of species, genjreng, streaming, bending, pull, hammer, slide, Trill, sweeping, muting, etc.;

Improvisation, suppose if we're maen-maen with a song, we try improvising with melodies mengirinya of   our own;
Try arranging various types and musical genres.
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         Maybe you do not know how to play the guitar is good, Have a music hobby not complete if you have not been able to play a musical instrument such as the famous guitar that can be used as accompaniment friends all kinds of songs in the whole world and the hereafter. Initially learned to play guitar is difficult and sometimes stressful, people who study it.

              To learn bass guitar you should learn first, karea people who can play bass guitar playing automatically, but if you can not automatically be playing bass guitar. Key tone on bass guitar and not much different on the guitar, so it's good if you learn the basic key guitar first. Also you can save money, because they do not need to buy a bass, but hollow guitars are cheap enough is enough.

            To play the guitar you should be prepared to feel a little pain in your left fingertips, it will be used to press the strings to make chords formations. Sometimes have to make us become calloused fingertips and flex both fingers on the left or right hand. To get something you really have to sacrifice something, it is the laws of chemistry and economics are natural and normal.
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                     If you plan for the course you should not take the course before mastering the basic techniques tempo songs, the basic key gonjreng guitar and shuffle on the guitar. If you have not mastered it you will only prolong the duration of the course you are going to spend money.

To save money you can learn on friends, relatives or neighbors who you know well and can barmain guitar. If no one could play the guitar then you must learn to learn on their own self-taught alias.

              To start training you must tune your guitar first so that the sound guitar 6 strings can be harmonious and appropriate. Distem If not then you will not be able to learn, because her voice might not fit. To stem the guitar you can get someone else or the stem itself by instinct. To stem the problem guitar you can find a guide book to play guitar at the bookstore.

            If you want the stem itself, then the way is to equate the 5th fret of a string with a single string on a fret level below 0. Except on the third string of the balls down distem on the 4th fret with fret 0 in the second string from bottom. You must use your filing if the sound of a fret to fret under it was the same voice. If not the same as a drive voltage control at the end of the guitar strings to fit.

               f so, then the next you just try gonjreng on standard key until your fingers you get used to the position of each key. Then try to open a book of songs that are key guitar, and then try to follow the change of key to lock the tempo according to the original as much as possible based on your filing.

                If you can then you can try to play together with sound tapes or actual song. But the condition is steman on your guitar in accordance with existing steman on cassette and key songs in the book or magazine is also true that in accordance with the cassette and your guitar.

              If you are already somewhat smoothly you can move on to the course or the innovation itself learned other things from the book mapun your acquaintance. If you've mastered you can form your own band together with others who can play other musical instruments. Happy studying and good luck ... ... ... ...
... ..

GOOD LUCK...............!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

My experience on Telkomsel Flash Unlimited

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                Honestly, I as a customer Telkomsel Flash unlimited feel cheated and aggrieved, this may also apply for customers Telkomsel Flash unlimited others. First day I signed up Telkomsel Flash unlimited in Grapari, I would like to thank all the Telkomsel, because with the cost of only Rp 100,000 per month I have been able to use my own internet at home. This is better than I every day go kewarnet the cost of one hour Rp.5000 its course. 

                I was interested to subscribe to Telkomsel Flash Unlimited since its low cost. At first it satisfying for me, whether it's a matter of speed and connections are going well without breaking up. My first month using Telkomsel flash unlimited feel satisfied, but the following day until I made this article very disappointing indeed!. I tried to open the connection takes HALF HOURS google can only be opened, and even then can sometimes open, often not at all. I look at the duration statisticnya keep going with the data sent and received data 0bps 0bps. Imagine how his connections with speeds like that ..??? It was ironic for the operator Telkomsel with a very disappointing service. I can only pensive in front of the computer while waiting for the angel who came to promote my internet connection is running like a snail or slug is. 

               While my duty as postpaid subscribers have been met, but my rights as a customer can not I get that I should get. I have repeatedly contact the Telkomsel, but the answer was not satisfactory. they say the network is busy and crowded, so for the Internet connection must be patient to wait and wait. I thought, why not anticipate telkomsel previous customers when they know Telkomsel Flash unlimited increasingly banyak.seharusnya to access network data, voice and BTSnya separated from sms.jangan left merged with others because this is definitely a very disturbing one for user data access.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

About Me.....

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Let me introduce my self...
My name is Diana Naibaho
Now studying in Sistem Information STMIK IBBI Medan

This is my first blog.
Before, I never use but, now I have to try to making a simple blog.
That is for now.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Tokoh Musik Klasik Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven lahir tahun 1770 di kota Bonn, Jerman. Semasa kanak-kanak sudah tampak jelas bakat musiknya yang luar biasa dan buku musik ciptaannya muncul pertama kali tahun 1783. Di usia remaja dia berkunjung ke Wina dan diperkenalkan kepada Mozart tetapi perjumpaan keduanya berlangsung singkat. Tahun 1792 Beethoven kembali ke Wina dan sebentar dia belajar musik dengan Haydn yang kala itu pencipta musik Wina kesohor (Mozart mati setahun sebelumnya). Beethoven menetap di Wina, Mekkahnya musik waktu itu, selama sisa hidupnya. Rasa musik Beethoven yang tinggi selaku pemain piano mengesankan tiap pendengamya dan dia berhasil baik selaku pemain maupun guru. Segera dia menjadi pencipta musik yang produktif juga. Karyanya dapat sambutan baik. Sejak umur pertengahan dua puluhan ke atas, dia sudah mampu menerbitkan dan menjual buku ciptaan musiknya tanpa kesulitan apa pun.

Ketika Beethoven berumur di ujung dua puluhan, tanda-tanda ketuliannya mulai tampak. Tak pelak lagi gejala ini amat merisaukan si komponis muda. Tuli buat seorang pencipta musik betul-betul suatu malapetaka. Suatu ketika timbul keinginannya mau bunuh diri saja.

Tahun-tahun antara 1802-1815 sering dianggap masa pertengahan karier Beethoven. Pada masa istirahat itu, akibat ketuliannya menghebat, dia mulai mundur dari pergaulan masyarakat. Ketunarunguannya ini membuat orang punya kesan tidak yakin bahwa Beethoven memang betul-betul anti manusia, anti masyarakat, benci bergaul. Dia terlibat dengan percintaan yang kerap dengan gadis-gadis muda tetapi tampaknya semua hubungan ini berakhir tak bahagia dan tak pernah beristeri.

Karya musik Beethoven sendiri menggila produktifnya. Tahun-tahun terus berjalan namun perhatian yang diterimanya makin lama makin susut yang mestinya populer buat seorang komponis seperti dia di jaman itu. Tetapi, kesuksesannya menanjak terus.

Pada usia empat puluhan Beethoven menjadi seratus persen pekak. Akibatnya, dia tak pernah lagi tampil di muka umum dan semakin menjauhi masyarakat. Hasil karyanya semakin sedikit dan semakin sulit di fahami. Sejak itu dia mencipta terutama buat dirinya sendiri dan beberapa pendengar yang punya ideal masa depan. Dia pernah bilang kepada seorang kritikus musik, "Ciptaanku ini bukanlah untukmu tetapi untuk masa sesudahmu."